Thursday, October 24, 2013


Father Andrew knew what he was talking about.
I found this lonely little dear along the river trail one day as I was taking time to talk with God.
It illuminated my current season of making new friends and letting go of old friends.  Accepting the new season the God has lead me into.
Loneliness is very hard to embrace.  Father Andrew knew that in the loneliness we find a gift: the ability to discover that we really are not alone but He is there with us.
In the lonely places the opportunity presents itself to discover that we are really connected at a deep level to the presence of God.
The trick here is always to embrace the lonely season instead of fill the lonely space with business, addiction, religion, work, etc.
In this new season of letting go and embracing new I find that He is inviting me to the lonely place where I am really not alone.  He is there.  Speaking, guiding, leading as He always does.
Pressing into lonely instead of running away is the key.
It takes intention.
It takes choosing.
It calls for an embrace of what is uncomfortable.

The rewards are amazing.  The reward is Him.
May you be full of grace to find Him in the lonely places.  May Brother Andrew's words become yours!


  1. I think there is a deeper connection that is formed in embracing hard, but yes, so rewarding!

  2. Perfectly timed for me to hear this- Thanks.

  3. Jim! So good. So true! So what I needed to hear for my current season too. I love it. I needed to hear this today! :)
