Friday, November 15, 2013

The Road

A friend of mine in Kansas City said something profound to me:

"Jim, the road always straightens out behind you!"

I thought it was good when he said it but as time passed it became a statement that would not leave me alone.  It was like an annoying pet that follows you everywhere …always in your shadow.
The road in front of me is always obscured by curves, too much light, the lack of light, etc.  It never seems to be straight forward, it never seems to make sense from this place in time and space.
However, when I look behind with a grateful heart I discover that the road is simply not as crooked.  It actually makes me think…"That was not that bad and it actually seems to make sense!"
When it comes to following Jesus the road always takes unexpected turns that leave one wondering what Jesus is thinking, planning, and doing.  He always keeps some form of mystery…I think he actually prefers the mountain curvy roads over the flat lands.

Does the road in front of me threaten me or give me an opportunity?  I think the point is for the curves and unknowns give me a great opportunity to offer Him trust and hope.  When I can see the curves in front of me as opportunities for growth and development they are much easier to navigate.  
The curves in front of me create opportunity to give Him my faithfulness, my heart committed to hope, and my trust.
The straight road behind me gives me peace and confidence to look ahead with a renewed sense of adventure and it helps me call my heart to faith.

May you look forward with hope and look back with gratitude!

Friday, November 8, 2013


I know…I know.  Not the topic of trust again!
It is one of those that we all have to return to again and again…and again.  Sigh.

I was challenged this week by something I read.  Thank you Madame Guyon!
It was about how our soul has a natural hunger for God.  A God placed desire for intimacy with Him.  She suggested that if we surrender to that hunger, our souls will be like the water that falls on a mountain and subsequently finds its way down…down…down..and eventually to the ocean.
This inspired me.
It gave me more hope.
I hunger for God.   I long to walk with Him…to know Him…to be touched by Him and when I die, I hope people will say this one thing, "Jim really walked with God.  He really KNEW Him."
Too often I find myself drowning in my hunger for God.  Honestly allowing the hunger to drive me to work harder…DO more…read more…pray more…and simply drive myself more towards Him.  Most of the time this can be helpful but sometimes (like this week) I need to be reminded that in His great love for me (and His great wisdom) He gave me a hunger that flows down towards Him just like water flows towards the ocean.
I work to know Him and that is good.  More than that…He has done the work by giving me a longing that can't be filled anywhere else.  A longing that keeps drawing me into the depths of who He is.
If I can trust Him…He will lead me into the depths of intimacy with Him because it is what He designed for me.  TRUST.
Not only His work…but trust His work in my life.  Trust that in my own life He has created me to flow downstream to the depths.
Trust…gravity was His idea and His creation.
I will cooperate and I will DO all that needs to be done but ultimately gravity will have its way.  Ultimately I get to trust.

Tuesday, November 5, 2013



I recently taught a class on "Prayer".  
I love prayer, love to talk about it, love to do it, and love to learn more about it.  
Still, there are so many times when prayer is confusing! 
I have found that so many times when I go to pray there is so much clutter in my heart and mind.
Like the leaves in Brandy Creek, my prayer life swarms with do do lists, questions that don't have easy answers, imaginary conversations, and normal life concerns.  When I finally get to a place where I can pray…the leaves swirl around and clog the flow of the river!
Today I am reading "A Short Method of Prayer" by Madame Jeanne Guyon.  She is inspiring and what I would call and expert on prayer.  She writes  "in animating the will by affection, rather than fatiguing the understanding by study…" distractions are defeated.  She also says "a direct contest and opposition only serves to imitate and augment them."
Thank you Madame.
How many times have I wasted hours and days trying by my own will and mind to clear the leaves from my streams?  Yet on a day when my heart is burning with love the leaves in my streams suddenly disappear. Love wins.  Love cleanses and love moves things out of the way.
If only I can learn the fine art of animating my will with affection rather than trying to use my frail mind to force transformations of my heart!

May we all learn the great joy of a heart, mind, and will that is animated with affection.  

Friday, November 1, 2013

Finding The Brakes

Two weeks ago my friend Bobby came to visit.  
We planned a few days to camp, hike, and spend time seeking God and enjoying friendship.
Our second day we drove down from Castle Lake and suddenly noticed the golden sun streaming through the trees that were adorned with fall color.
The amazing gold and yellow stunned us and I had to stop the car to take this photo.
So many times I don't stop the car.  I see a sunset and just keep driving.  I notice something in a moment and am to busy to capture it.

Today I was reminded that this is also how I relate to God's presence.  While He is with me all the time and I believe He is always working to reveal Himself to me I don't always stop the car and grab the camera.  I get too busy...too many demands and too much to run off and do.
His glory and His presence are all around us all the time.  Sometimes we need to apply the brakes, find room on the shoulder, grab the camera and enjoy.
May you find the brakes, may you not miss the glory and the Presence.