Friday, November 15, 2013

The Road

A friend of mine in Kansas City said something profound to me:

"Jim, the road always straightens out behind you!"

I thought it was good when he said it but as time passed it became a statement that would not leave me alone.  It was like an annoying pet that follows you everywhere …always in your shadow.
The road in front of me is always obscured by curves, too much light, the lack of light, etc.  It never seems to be straight forward, it never seems to make sense from this place in time and space.
However, when I look behind with a grateful heart I discover that the road is simply not as crooked.  It actually makes me think…"That was not that bad and it actually seems to make sense!"
When it comes to following Jesus the road always takes unexpected turns that leave one wondering what Jesus is thinking, planning, and doing.  He always keeps some form of mystery…I think he actually prefers the mountain curvy roads over the flat lands.

Does the road in front of me threaten me or give me an opportunity?  I think the point is for the curves and unknowns give me a great opportunity to offer Him trust and hope.  When I can see the curves in front of me as opportunities for growth and development they are much easier to navigate.  
The curves in front of me create opportunity to give Him my faithfulness, my heart committed to hope, and my trust.
The straight road behind me gives me peace and confidence to look ahead with a renewed sense of adventure and it helps me call my heart to faith.

May you look forward with hope and look back with gratitude!


  1. Good words, Jim! I'm passing it on to others.

  2. Hindsight is always clearer. It is that truth that keeps me going and helps me trust. He has never been proven wrong, and his way has always been better in the end. So I have no reason not to trust him, even though I do so often. I remember when you shared this at Metro just a bit ago (talking about that road into Yosemite). It resonated then, and it did today as well.
